Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Follow up questions for Tony-the-Snow-Man

An article in today's Washington Post, White House Softens Tone On Embryo Use

by Peter Baker, quotes Tony-the-Snow-Man backing off from the strong language he used earlier in which he described stem cell research as a form of "murder". Baker writes:

"White House press secretary Tony Snow said yesterday that he "overstated the president's position" during a briefing last week but said Bush rejected the bill because "he does have objections with spending federal money on something that is morally objectionable to many Americans."

So my follow up questions:
(1) When did the president start making decisions based on the poll numbers? and
(2) What about the millions of Americans who believe that the war in Iraq is morally objectionable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK! I'm confused! Don't the polls say that 75% of Americans SUPPORT stem cell research? Is my math wrong or is 75% a rather large majority? Also, if he so objects to "the taking of innocent human lives" shouldn't research from the private sector also be banned? What did I expect from GWBushit.