Sunday, December 31, 2006
Google experiment No. 1: Update
Le Boulanger de Bagdad
With the recent demise of Saddam Hussein I’ve been forced to reconsider my post of December 17th, “A New Filk”. Obviously, the events of the past few days have put a knot in Saddam’s singing career and the Hussein-Rumsfeld “power duo” that I hoped for is not going anywhere fast. But there is still hope for Mr. Rumsfeld. Indeed, this maybe why Don Rumsfeld was born to this world…
Friday, December 29, 2006
Here is a story about a social experiment currently going on in the Bay Area. I'm posting it for two reasons. First, I think it is an interesting example of how some folks are trying to live their convictions and learning how difficult it is to try and do something perfectly. I also think the story can get folks to think about consumerism and community and to what extent they are compatible and incompatible.
I'm all for individual initative, but does it have to exclude collective action? It's as if some someone has updated the old Hippocratic aphorism and applied it to the body politic: first, Don't Involve Your Government.
Group's Rejection of Consumerism Is Catching On
By Carolyn Jones
The San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday 27 December 2006
For Shawn Rosenmoss, the deal-breaker was a drill bit.
John Perry's worst temptation was a plumber's snake for his clogged drain.
Sarah Pelmas and Matt Eddy succumbed to the siren song of new white paint.
But aside from the occasional hardware crises, the Compact – an ever-growing group who have vowed not to buy anything new except food, medicine and underwear - is going strong on its first anniversary.
The Compact originated in December 2005 at a San Francisco dinner party, where guests decided to take recycling one step further and go for a year without new purchases. Consumerism, they said, is destroying the world and most of us already own far more than we need.
Monday, December 18, 2006
An Open Letter to SustainAbility
December 18, 2006
Dear Maddy Rooke-Ley:
I write in regard to your job "Associate Director, Research and Advocacy", which I saw advertised on the Ethical Corporation web site.
I worked for several years as the director or research at a not-for-profit organization that promoted community development-oriented venture capital. My politics are left-leaning though my experience has taught me that properly managed markets can have positive social and economic outcomes. I'm generally a high-tax, high-services kind of guy, which is one of the reasons I live in France. I'm perfectly willing to pay higher prices for energy, food, clothing, etc, if I know that these items are being produced in a sustainable manner. One could say, I am a fellow-traveler and it this proximity of spirit--this shared vision for a better future--that inspires me to write to you about your job advertisement.
I don't want to come across as flip or insensitive, but I think the job that your advertising for the Associate Director position sounds like part of the problem and not part of the solution. I am telling you this because my guess is that no one who actually wants the job can do so, even though what I'm going to say is far more truthful than 95% of the cover letters that you are likely to receive.
The problem is that the job you are advertising is at least a 70 hour per week position. In other words, the work your are proposing is completely unsustainable. I understand that, on one side, your company is working to solve immense and complex problems and, on the other side, your clients are pressing for good, cheap, and fast--a trifecta which they themselves, of course, could never win. However, the work you are giving to this one position is enough to squeeze the life out of even the most dedicated of work horses. You will, of course, find someone to fill this position and they will be excited to work on these interesting and worthwhile projects. But given the litany of responsibilities, he or she will not last more than a few years and is likely to leave looking like Jimmy Carter circa 1981. Is it too much to ask that a company whose stated goal is to promote sustainability try and create a sustainable work environment?
Please don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with the objectives of your organization. I support your goals whole-heartedly and accept the inevitable imperfections that go with all human endeavors. Nor do I mean to single out SustainAbility, except in so far as your organization has revealed itself as being particularly concerned with sustainable solutions. The fact is that many companies (and even more not-for-profits) with good intentions pursue equally unsustainable working conditions. My unsolicited advice: hire one person to do Research & Writing and hire another to do Outreach & Networking. Don't try and get one person to do both.
Good luck with your organization and good luck hiring the right folks.
Brian T. Schmitt
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A New Filk

With all of the talk about the Iraq Study Group, "going forward," and the Decider's victory plans, I am inspired to write another filk. This one is special in that I've written it for a particular person. I am trying to get the former dictator and American ally Saddam Hussein to sing it and I am hoping to get Donald Rumsfeld to help produce and market this sure-fire hit.
The filk is titled "Time is on my side" and it's based on the Rolling Stones' song "Time is on my side", which was released on their 1964 album 12x5.
UPDATE (30 December 2006): While time may no longer be on his side, we can be sure that if the Bush administration thinks it was a good idea to hang Saddam then it must be a bad idea. And every time you hear George use the word "milestone" try replacing it with "mill stone" and the image of a mill stone wrapped around George's neck. This gives a more accurate picture of the situation.
Time is on my side
Time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is
Now you always say
That you want to be free
But youll come running back (said you would baby)
Youll come running back (I said so many times before)
Youll come running back to me
Oh, time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is
Youre searching for good times
But just wait and see
Youll come running back (I wont have to worry no more)
Youll come running back (spend the rest of my life with you, baby)
Youll come running back to me
Go ahead, go ahead and light up the town
And baby, do everything your heart desires
Remember, Ill always be around
And I know, I know
Like I told you so many times before
Youre gonna come back, baby cause I know
Youre gonna come back knocking
Yeah, knocking right on my door
Yes, yes!
Well, time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is cause I got the real love
The kind that you need
Youll come running back (said you would, baby)
Youll come running back (I always said you would)
Youll come running back, to me
Yes time, time, time is on my side, yes it is
Time, time, time is on my side, yes it is
Oh, time, time, time is on my side, yes it is
I said, time, time, time is on my side, yes it is
Oh, time, time, time is on my side
Yeah, time, time, time is on my side