Monday, April 02, 2007

The Times They are a Changin, Sort Of

Come gather round voters
With your mouths full of foam
And admit that your wallets
Are dry to the bone
And just accept it now
That you’ll soon loose your home
Pray your I-R-A
Is worth savin’
Then you better start laughin
Else you’ll die with a moan
For the times they are a changing, sort of

Come talking heads and pundits
Who think like a herd
Be as dumb as you want
Cause your paid by the word
Remember the louder you scream
The better you’ll be heard
There’s no end to your childish
And the dumbest one now
Will just be called back again
For the times they are a changing, kind of

Come senators and congressman
In search of a buck
Don’t pass legislation
That’ll compromise your luck
And the sign on your desk
Says fuck and get fucked
By the lobbyists outside
A ragin’
But your pimping ways
Lacks the dignity of a whore!
Yes the times they are a changing, sort of

Come Iraqi veterans
Who can’t pay the rent
And forget that already
Next month’s paycheck is spent
For what matters most is that
We invade Iran
The Iraqi War is
Rapidly aging
Please join us in the new one
If you’ve still got two hands
For the times they are a changing, kind of

A line it is snorted
The beer can makes a blast
Old Dubya is off
On the war path
One more roll of the dice
Try and salvage his past
Common sense is
Rapidly fading
And the dead one’s now
Will never come back
For the times they are a changing, sort of

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